Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dawn by Elie Wiesel

"Being afraid, ... , is nothing. Fear is only a color, a backdrop, a landscape. The fear of either the victim or the executioner is unimportant. What matters is the fact that each of them is playing a role which has been imposed upon him. The two roles are the extremities of the estate of man. The tragic thing is the imposition. " (p.g. 52)

"Why must you try to hate me? " " In order to give my action a meaning which may somehow transcent it. " (p.g. 77)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Dispatches from the Edge: A memoir of war, disasters, and survival by Anderson Cooper

" Freedom's great, but so is security, and right now most Iraqis would trade a lot of the first for even some of the second."(p.g. 52)

"Fear alters eveything."(p.g. 56)

"We like to think we can predict the furute. We like to think we understand the present. I'm not sure we ever do."(p.g. 81)

"The world has many edges, and all of us dangle from them by a very delicate thread. The key is to not let go." (p.g. 207)